Training Quotes

Training Quotes for Learners and Leaders Take a look at 30 of my favorite training quotes I use for educating and training on topics of creativity, innovation, action-taking, growth mindset, innovative

Mindset for Innovative Thinking

Mindset for Innovative Thinking: Learn about innovative thinking and applying it at each stage of the innovation process. Move from innovative thinking to innovative action.

Design Thinking Workshop Resources

Top activities, tools, articles, videos, guides, and more related to design thinking workshops This design thinking workshop guide contains a list of links to my recommended resources for design thinking we've

Organizational Change Consulting and Coaching

The following is an interview with organizational change consultant Dr. Tim Williams (author of this article on trust in organizations) about Organization Change Consulting & Coaching. (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document,

How Coaching Can Help You Win

Winning in any organization requires that people work together as a unit, collaboratively, and grow from contest to contest, day to day, challenge to challenge.  To grow, we must first