Design Thinking Training, Workshops & Courses

Learn about design thinking training, workshops and courses! Learn tools & mindsets to apply design thinking in your work, for a project, or in a DT workshop to take on a real innovation challenge with empathy.

Find the top books on facilitation here.

Top Books on Facilitation

Discover the best books on facilitation to enhance your skills in leading meetings and workshops. Boost your effectiveness with these top picks!
Human-Centered Design Books

Top Books on Human-Centered Design

Explore top books on human-centered design. Enhance your skills and understanding with these essential reads for designing innovative solutions for people.
Leveraging Conferences for Professional Development Learning Leadership Skills

Leveraging Conferences for Professional Development of Leadership Skills

Conferences and workshops are more than just events to attend; they are powerful opportunities for professional growth and development. By taking an active role in these settings—whether by organizing a conference, leading a workshop, or facilitating a group session—you can enhance your leadership skills, improve your public speaking abilities, and foster creativity.
Miro Intelligent Canvas

Miro Intelligent Canvas Guide

Learn about Miro's new Intelligent Canvas tool and how it can be utilized for innovation and design thinking in our latest blog post.
Workshop for Change Management

Workshop for Change Management

Learn about our workshop on embracing change through innovation and collaboration. Generate ideas and action for engaging in successful organizational change.
Managing Change Courses

Guide to Managing Change Courses

Explore top courses for change management. Gain essential skills and advance your career with managing change courses and expert-led training programs.