Learn about gamification in design thinking and beyond.

Design Thinking Game

Unlock creativity & problem-solving skills with a design thinking game. Explore how gamification enhances innovation. Start your adventure now!
Learn about mindset training

Mindset Training

This mindset training guide will explore how to train your mind to foster a growth and innovation mindset, building on concepts from our previous discussions on design thinking, growth mindset, and more.
Six Thinking Hats Training Workshop

Six Thinking Hats Training (Ideation and Brainstorming Technique)

The Six Thinking Hats technique by Edward de Bono is a powerful tool for enhancing group creativity and decision-making. By structuring the way we think, not only can we increase efficiency and reduce conflict, but we also foster a conducive environment for generating innovative solutions. Whether you're tackling everyday problems or major organizational decisions, the Six Thinking Hats method provides a clear path for exploring every angle and unleashing the full potential of collaborative thinking.
Learn about growth mindset workshops here.

Growth Mindset Workshop

If you’re interested in a growth mindset workshop that helps teach you how to adapt, tackle challenges, and innovate, keep reading!
Learn about growth mindset training on our blog.

Growth Mindset Training

In this article, we’ll explore the essence of growth mindset training, including its principles, benefits, and practical applications as it applies to personal and professional modern life.
World Cafe Hosting Facilitation Guide

The World Café Method: Hosting and Facilitating Collaborative Discussion

The World Café Method is a simple and a powerful tool to foster deep, meaningful conversations in various settings - from corporate environments, to community dialogue or listening sessions, to educational workshops. This participatory design process is helpful at leveraging collective intelligence, encouraging collaboration, and exploring complex topics through discussion. We often recommend a World Café approach to people who want an interactive, discussion filled event - but may be newer to facilitation.