Power & Influence

Description of Stanford Business School Video: When people want to make an impression, most think a lot about what they want to say. Stanford Business Professor Deborah Gruenfeld cautions you

Negotiation: Getting What You Want

Description of Stanford Business School Video: Negotiation is problem solving. The goal is not to get a deal; the goal is to get a good deal. Four steps to achieving

Does money make you mean?

Presentation video description from TED: It's amazing what a rigged game of Monopoly can reveal. In this entertaining but sobering talk, social psychologist Paul Piff shares his research into how

The Psychology of Human Misjudgement

Exploring Human Misjudgement: Psychological Insights for Better Decision Making: Description of Buffett Munger Wisdom Video: Audio of the often referred to speech by Charlie Munger on the psychology of human misjudgement given to an audience at Harvard University circa Jun 1995. Mr. Munger speaks about the framework for decision making and the factors contributing to misjudgements.

Let’s Use Video To Reinvent Education

Education Innovator Salman Khan speaks about Khan Academy and the future of education. From TED: Salman Khan talks about how and why he created the remarkable Khan Academy, a carefully

What we’re Learning from Online Education

Excellent information on the future of higher education and Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). From TED: "Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for

Getting Behind the Perfect Pitch

Michael Skok gets behind the perfect pitch in this Harvard Innovation Lab video: "Pitch often replaces a business plan in today's VC world. Learn how to put together the perfect
Innovation Training | Design Thinking Workshops

Google Campus, London

Exploring this collaborative startup's success Through collaboration, mentorship, and networking, Google Campus, London is a haven for eager entrepreneurs ready to mold their ideas into tangible products. These seven floors hold cafes,

Leading Voices in Higher Education

Higher education video description from Dartmouth College: Undergraduate Education for the New Millenium: Starting From Scratch— President of Quest University Canada David Helfand discussed modern problems with higher education and