Learn about design thinking in training and development.

Design Thinking in Training

Learn how design thinking can be used in training and development to engage learners and spark real change within your organization.
Find Miro training on Miro Academy.

Miro Training with Miro Academy

Interested in Miro training? We recommend Miro Academy, a collection of learning courses about the platform's features and use cases.

Agile Project Management Templates

Discover top agile project management templates from digital whiteboard tools to help you plan, visualize, and stay on task with your team.
HR Strategy Plan Templates

HR Strategy Plan Templates

These human resources digital whiteboard templates can help your HR team plan, strategize, and prepare for the future.
Discover what Just-in-Time learning is in this guide.

Just-in-Time Learning

Just-in-time (JIT) learning is a flexible approach that provides learners with quick access to the information they need when they need it. In this guide, we will explore the concept of just-in-time learning, its benefits, and how you can use it to improve your skills.

Design Thinking Case Studies

Review highlights from design thinking case studies by some of the most innovative, leading organizations and companies worldwide.