Innovation FAQ Questions

Questions about Innovation

Top Questions about Innovation What are the most popular or common questions people have about innovation? What are the frequently asked questions about innovation? We used our AI tools to identify
Design thinking certificate programs

Design Thinking Certificate Program

We offer our design thinking certificate programs in partnership with an organization, university, or other institution. The human-centered design programs can blend our design thinking training, innovation workshops, design thinking
Learn about learning experience platforms (LXPs) in this guide.

What is an LXP (Learning Experience Platform)?

LXPs provide custom, personalized learning experiences for employees and users looking to expand their skills and improve their knowledge. Learn more about LXPs and how they differ from LMS here.

AI for Ideation | How to use AI to brainstorm and generate ideas

AI for Ideation - How to use AI to brainstorm and generate ideas Here's a demonstration of how to use AI to brainstorm or generate ideas. Follow the video demo for a different way to brainstorm or ideate new ideas or directions. We use tools like OpenAI playground and ChatGPT to generate and develop ideas for a number of questions and purpose. See AI in action for innovation.