Top strategic plan templates from digital whiteboard tools like Miro

A well-thought out business strategy can help you navigate challenges and seize opportunities. However, the process of strategic planning can often be overwhelming, requiring a structured approach to ensure clarity and usefulness. These strategic planning templates for businesses are from some of the top digital whiteboard tools like Miro, offering a visual and collaborative platform to crystallize ideas, align teams, and forge a path towards organizational objectives.

1. Miro: Strategic Planning Board Template

This strategy planning template on Miro helps you start with your overarching goal before defining team objectives and key results to support that overarching objective. Help get every team member on the same page with this comprehensive planning board that showcases how individual work contributes to company/organizational goals.

2. Miro: Strategic Planning for Remote Organizations Template

This Miro template is designed specifically for remote teams who need to plan and collaborate together while working from different locations. Get everyone on the same page and drive future success with this strategy planning template.

3. Miro: Personify: Strategic Planning Playbook Template

This template from Miro is designed for multi-year, long-term strategic planning and road-mapping. It includes activities, prompts, and tips to help you organize work and define processes and objectives.

4. Lucidspark: Strategic Plan Template

This Lucidspark template is a visual template to help you map out key aspects of your business strategy, KPIs, target customers, and more.

5. Lucidspark: Strategic Planning Template

This template from Lucidspark is great for in-person, hybrid, and remote strategic planning sessions. Offering plenty of space to discuss and share ideas, work together, and finalize plans, this template is another great option.

6. FigJam: Strategy Diamond Template

This template from FigJam helps you stay focused on defining business goals, answering key questions that will factor into decision making, and clarify goals and paths toward success.

Strategic Planning Templates Conclusion

Whiteboard templates can be a gamechanger when it comes to strategic planning. These visual aids facilitate clarity, enhance communication, and foster collaboration among team members. By incorporating these strategic planning templates into your work life, you can streamline the planning process. Happy strategizing!