In this blog post, we'll delve into a curated selection of the best storytelling books for business and leadership, offering unique insights and practical techniques.
Enhance your leadership skills with a facilitator training course. Learn to lead engaging meetings and workshops effectively. Transform your approach now with facilitation training to be a more innovative facilitator!
Learn how to inject a creative spark into your team by incorporating design thinking into your training. Find practical advice and guidance on the Innovation Training blog!
As the business landscape becomes increasingly complex and fast-paced, traditional strategic planning methods can often fall short. Strategy Design Sprints, often referred to as Strategy Sprints, emerge as a new dynamic approach to aligning business strategy with the ever-evolving market. In this type of design sprint, the team goes step-by-step through a process in a short amount of time.
Self-directed learning is a process in which individuals take ownership of their own learning and development. It involves identifying learning goals, creating a plan for achieving those goals, and taking responsibility for monitoring progress and adjusting the plan as needed. Self-directed learners are proactive and take initiative in seeking out learning opportunities, both formal and informal.
This is an guest article by What Matters At Work author, Harry Webne-Behrman. I’ve worked with many individuals and work teams over the years, and I’m often impressed by the
What is the relationship between the places we work and our ability to innovate? From the layout of your office to the business tools you use each day, our work
A survey of top global companies by Innovation Leader found that 61% of big companies regularly team-up with suppliers, distributors, partners and franchisees to innovate. 58% work directly with customers
Launching a campaign to customers is nerve-wracking for even the most established marketing department. An epic amount of work has led to this point: research, strategy, endless meetings, creative, testing
There’s no such thing as “too efficient”. There’s always room for improvement. It’s why businesses are forever under pressure to deliver on new operational efficiencies whether through reducing costs or