Agile Project Management Templates

Discover top agile project management templates from digital whiteboard tools to help you plan, visualize, and stay on task with your team.
AI Innovation Workshop Design Thinking Design Sprint Process

AI Innovation Workshop

AI Innovation Workshop: Harnessing AI for Creative Problem-Solving and Design Thinking We've been amazed at how generative AI can contribute at each stage of the innovation process. We've run hundreds of
AI Innovation Training with Artificial Intelligence

AI Innovation Training with Artificial Intelligence

Imagine running an innovation project with a group on a virtual collaborative whiteboard where people are connecting and co-creating with each other as well as generative AI tools like ChatGPT or whatever features are on the tools we are using. Our focus is to utilize AI during the training and engage others in learning through doing with AI as well with their own innovation challenge.
Design Sprints with AI

Design Sprints with AI

Design Sprints with AI: The fusion of AI with design sprints presents an exciting frontier for innovation. Whether AI takes the lead, supports a human team, or collaborates as a parallel entity, the potential to enhance the sprint process is immense. By judiciously integrating design sprints with AI, organizations can tap into a higher level of creativity, efficiency, and user insight, ultimately driving more successful and user-centered product outcomes.
Figma Templates

Figma Templates

With its versatile set of features, Figma empowers designers to create beautiful and functional designs seamlessly. One of its standout features is the availability of templates for various design tasks. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best Figma templates for collaboration, planning, and design thinking.
Coaching for Managers Training Workshop

Coaching for Managers Training, Programs and Workshops

Coaching Training for Managers: Elevating Leadership Through Facilitated Practice. We believe managers can improve their leadership skills with a short coaching training experience. A bootcamp, workshop, or even program of coaching sessions can help quickly. You can up your coaching skills as a manager with tips, techniques, resources, practice, and reflection.