How Can I Help You?

1:1 Innovation Coaching for Org Leaders, Facilitators, & Consultants

1:1 coaching is by invite only after you have already become familiar with Darin's innovation methods through online programs or a group event.

Pricing is $175 per hour for individuals/entrepreneurs or $375 per hour for individuals paying through their company. Darin also offers $90 per hour coaching for select nonprofit causes or service focused individuals.

  • Online Tools

    We will help you to innovate through using new online tools. You start with one of our online programs and next we will build something together.

  • Focus

    We will focus on helping you to create what you need, like an important workshop, keynote, brainstorming, or innovation session.

  • One-on-One

    You will work together with Darin over Skype, Google Hangouts, the phone, or at a coffeehouse.

Innovation Coaching Interest Form