"I would like to invite you to a special webinar that will help you get started or move forward on your own innovation project. It could be something small. It could be something big. Many of us want to create or develop something meaningful this year. This webinar will help. If you can't join us live I'll get you the recording.
You may also invite others to join you if you like.
This will be a time to strategize for the new year and gain motivation and action to work on an important challenge or create something that you've wanted to create. Why start an innovation project? To develop the most critical skills we need for the future and share your expertise. Plus, maybe the innovation we create will be a new product, service, program, business, solution, service project, book, website, or something that really matters for our life and for others. Why not give it a try?
Here is the plan. I'll be working on an innovation project too. I'll host the webinar to show you how I'm going about it and will answer questions. You'll see examples of small "acorn" innovation projects and move forward on your own. Maybe you'll create something that can grow from acorn into forest!" -Darin
About your Innovation Webinar Presenter Darin Eich

Innovation Speaker Darin Eich, Ph.D. is the author of Innovation Step-by-Step: How to Create & Develop Ideas for your Challenge & Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs. He is a global Innovation Trainer, facilitator, keynote speaker & the founder of InnovationLearning.org. Dar

Highly Interactive Workshops
Tools to Innovate
Training Book
Video Programs
Design for Breakthrough
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Learn a System