Innovation Facilitator Training Program: Facilitating a Culture of Innovation in your Organization

Coaching, workshops, activities, tools & techniques to lead others through the innovation process

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Innovation Facilitator Training

Create a culture of innovation in your organization and spread it.
Email Darin at [email protected] for more.


Innovation "Train the Trainer"
Facilitator Training

The time to introduce a culture of innovation and collaboration is now. Perhaps you are charged with bringing a new innovation initiative to your company. This online “Train the Innovation Trainer” course combines over 10 hours of online training with 2 one-on-one coaching or consultation sessions to give executives and leaders their first deep dive into fostering innovation. Bring our lessons and activities to your organization to start an innovation process that improves product development, recruiting, communication, marketing and more. This program will allow individuals or small teams to lead your organization through future innovations. Identify your innovation challenge to grow your business.

Learn how to help others innovate by:

  • facilitating idea development with your team
  • leading your team through real innovation challenges
  • facilitating a culture of collaboration and innovation
  • taking steps toward realizing a future vision or strategy
  • holding your own innovation summit, workshop or brainstorming session

Who should participate?

“Train the Innovation Trainer” is perfect for executives, managers and other organization leaders individually or within their innovation leadership team. This in-depth program is designed for leaders who step forward to bring more innovation and collaboration to your organization as a whole. Participants should be advocates for communication and growth. “Train the Innovation Trainer” is built for anyone interested in helping teams and individuals in your organization to use an innovation process for developing new products or services, improving processes, doing more with less and making new things happen.

Your Program Designer & Facilitator

Dr. Darin Eich is the author of Innovation Step-by-Step and Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs. Darin earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Darin has taught leaders from a wide variety of organizations, including engineering firms, utility companies, government agencies and tech startups. Darin is a leadership program consultant to Dartmouth College, the University of Wisconsin, and USA TODAY.

Build your first Innovation Program

Your organization is growing, but it’s not too big to innovate! “Train the Innovation Trainer” is your first deep-dive into a formalized innovation process that encourages collaborative and creative idea generation and development. Either one-on-one or as a small group of innovation advocates, you’ll design and develop a unique innovation program tailored to your organization. Learn on your time, and reference course materials at any time, online! Our individual coaching will help you to design and launch a unique innovation program.

Digital Innovation Training Video Programs
Go at your own pace and see examples at each step

Basics of Innovation

Get started: Email [email protected]

Innovation Train the Trainer Course Workshops

You will receive access to all of our workshops...over 15 hours. In our first advising meeting we will listen to your needs and recommend where to start and how to focus. Our innovation leader training program is built around our innovation step-by-step process and the activities, tools and techniques that many innovative organizations use to identify challenges, generate ideas, and communicate to launch new innovations. Our digital programs let you look over our shoulder on various challenge examples so you can follow along and work on your own specific challenge that you, your group, or your organization may have.

All of our innovation programs focus on different stages of the same innovation system so you can learn, develop, and make progress through seeing a wide variety of examples...from developing new products and services to taking action to have a culture of innovation in your organization. They are designed to facilitate individuals, groups, and the organization through the idea development process by systematically tackling a challenge relevant to you. Your ultimate goal will be to learn this for yourself and be equipped with tools to help others develop ideas and innovate in your organization.

Basics of Innovation

Get started: Email [email protected]

Facilitating Groups: Teaching, Learning & Engaging

Are you bringing it all together with collaborative innovation sessions or larger professional development programs? This series is designed to help people better facilitate events and meetings so that participants learn, are engaged and get more accomplished. Participants will learn how to use best practice techniques and tools to more confidently and successfully facilitate others.

Facilitating Groups is great for people who need to teach something or get results with a group. Design better interactive workshops, productive innovation sessions, and engaging meetings where you need to facilitate group discussion and activities.

Learn about the 1 hour program here.

Brainstorming Ideation Training Course

Expert Brainstorming and Idea Generating

The "How To" of Expert Brainstorming: Techniques and activities for generating ideas with individuals or groups.

Become an organization that features idea generating as a core competency and a competitive advantage. Cultivate strength in brainstorming for any purpose. Create new products, services, and marketing campaigns. Innovate your organization with this deep training on brainstorming and offer this service to your clients! Learn how to develop and facilitate brainstorming sessions and events that will generate enthusiasm amongst your colleagues and create new innovations.

Learn about the 5 hour program here.

Learn More: Email [email protected]

Innovation 101: Creating New Products & Services

Innovate Today: Create better new products, services, or program concepts in 1 hour.

Design, develop, & decide: Gain tools & techniques to strategically create & communicate for a better business. In this “follow along” program you will get to ideate, conceptualize, and validate ideas for a challenge important to you. We will share examples and facilitate you through activities you can do immediately to create new products and services your customers want. We will show you the “think it through” steps you can take for more intentional and practical innovation to launch your big new idea with impact.

Use our tools and system to develop and launch ideas for new products, services, or ways to add value for your customers.

Get started: Email [email protected]

Idea Communication

Idea Communication is an online leadership training workshop, designed to give you strategies and techniques for memorably communicating your ideas and concepts.

Create and communicate concepts that stick! You may have generated good ideas and a great concept but then how do you communicate it so that it sticks with people?

How do you show the story so people can understand your idea and will collaborate with you as you launch into the real world?

Learn about the 1 hour program here.

Get started: Email [email protected]

We will help you to do what we have done for over 100 organizations, innovation training and facilitation of the innovation process. We want you to find a training course that matches your goals. We offer on-site interactive live events that facilitate your team through our step-by-step innovation system...or we can teach you how to do this yourself with this "train the innovation trainer" course. What you facilitate can lead to a more innovative and collaborative culture along with filling your pipeline with new concepts to funnel into action. We provide videos and books so you can stay in action or go at your own pace. Email Darin at [email protected] for suggestions.

Learn about the Book

Your Program Designer & Facilitator

Dr. Darin Eich is the author of Innovation Step-by-Step and Root Down & Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs.  Darin earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Darin is the president and co-founder of and BrainReactions, an innovation consulting company founded by UW students, where he led idea development and innovation projects for organizations like P&G, Agilent Technologies, the United Nations, and the U.S. Council on Competitiveness.

Darin has also been a graduate student and developer of programs at the University of Maryland & William and Mary. Darin’s passion involves helping people to become themselves, find and live their strengths, and become more creative, innovative and successful leaders. Professionally, Darin does projects ranging from hundreds of college speeches to helping institutions develop leadership programs & retreats to facilitating professional brainstorm innovation sessions for the most innovative Fortune 500 companies. Darin is a leadership program consultant to Dartmouth College, the University of Wisconsin, and USA TODAY.

Interested in discussing program ideas? Email [email protected] today.
